Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Little Buddy is 8 Months Old!

I can hardly believe that last week, January 22nd, my little buddy turned 8 months old! Wow! How time flies! Edan is doing lots of new things this month! He is mostly down to two naps a day, the first nap at 9:30 and the second at 2:00. He is on the 8, 12, 4, and depending how long the second nap is(sometimes he is in bed for the night between 6-6:30)7:oo feeding schedule. He absolutely LOVES his bottle and has been drinking 32 ounces of milk daily for the past few weeks. My little buddy still despises peas, but loves green beans and carrots. He gets oatmeal and 1 jar fruit in the a.m., 1 jar of green veggies and 1/2 jar fruit at the 12 p.m. feeding, and 1 jar orange veggies, 1/2 jar fruit mixed with oatmeal for the 4p.m. feeding, and a bottle right before bed. He is still on Prevacid for his reflux and does really well chewing up his pill. Here are some new things he has learned to do since last month:

1. Drink from a sippy cup
2. Using his pincher grasp to pick up puffs

3. No longer requires to be swaddled for sleep time, but uses a "favorite blankie" and a paci
4. Claps his hands together

5. He has tried peanut butter and loves it! Emma thought it was a great idea to give him a taste of her peanut butter sucker(that is what we call peanut butter on a spoon). I was so panic stricken I didn't get a pic, I was too busy wiping the pb out of his mouth with a wet paper towel. I now know that Edan will be a peanut butter lover just like Eli and Emma!

6. Getting more mobile and reaching for toys

7. Trys to sit up from a tummy position 8. Loves hand toys and things he can bang together! 9. A new friend for bathtime 10. I don't see any teeth yet, but our little buddy has a beautiful smile and a delightful personality! I love you, Edan Brian!


Jenny said...

Edan is getting so big! I love all of your pictures. He is so precious! I still smile every time I think about him eating a peanut butter sucker! I love it! We call Parker "Little Buddy" all the time--I'm afraid he won't know his real name! I love you Edan and am so glad you and Parker are growing up together!

Amy said...

I love all of the pictures of the things he has learned to do! Wow! He has learned a lot! I still remember seeing him napping at the pool this past summer! Time goes by too quickly! Edan is such a blessing to your sweet family!