Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let it SNOW!!!

This past weekend we enjoyed the beautiful snow and the incredible lodging at my wonderful parents house! Early Friday morning, we met Brenda at Chick-Fil-A and I took the 3 E's to Blockbuster to rent movies and Wii games. I was praying for snow because they haven't ever really seen a "big" snow before. Well, God is good and he sent us snow! As soon as the first snowflake fell we packed up and headed to mom's house. That night we watched movies, laughed, and enjoyed each other. It was fantastic! The kiddos kept saying, "Is it still snowing?" We were pleasantly surprised the next morning to wake up to beautiful scenery. Mom made a huge breakfast, fried pork tenderloin, homemade biscuits, and eggs. It was delicious as all her meals are. I couldn't hold Eli and Emma back any longer. I couldn't wait to see how Edan would react to snow. He hasn't ever been it it!!! Brent and I got them all layered up and out we went! Our first mission was to build a snowman:
The snowman was gigantic! We were ready for sledding after we built the snowman. Here they are making a trek up the hill!
Here goes Eli!
and Emma:
and Edan:
and me and Lindsey:
and Mom!!!!
After a while, the boys got bored and wanted something more exciting, so they built a ramp. It was quite interesting!
Wow! What an amazing weekend! Thank you, Lord for such wonderful family time! I will remember these snow-filled days forever!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It looks like you all enjoyed the snow! The girls couldn't believe how huge the snowman was that you built, and they loved the picture of Mrs. Susan sledding! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful weekend with your sweet family. You are truly blessed.