Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer IS Sweet!

Wow! I can't believe summertime is halfway over! It has gone by way too fast! So, what have the Hodson's been doing this summer? We started summer with VBS at FBC Powell, Eli and Emma only attended 2 nights(Emma had strep while Eli was committed to a ball tournament). The beginning of summer also included our wonderful vacation with family to Hilton Head Island. We did lots of fun things there: rode bikes, built sand castles, ate ice cream, dug our toes into the sand, discovered powdered sugar and flour look the same in a ziploc baggie, but most of all, laughed and loved on each other. When we got home Eli and Emma went to Summer Spectacular at Grace Baptist. They loved it! This is where the opening song comes from on my blog. They learned this there with the hand motions, we sing and dance to it all the time. This was also and exciting week for Brent and I, as we celebrated our 10TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! We both give GOD all the GLORY for what HE has done through us! Brent also surprised me with a very nice anniversary gift, something that I have always dreamed of, a Honda Odyssey! He is so sweet!
In the middle of June, Edan got his 2 front teeth! He loves to show them off!
Father's Day was a fun, relaxing day. We went to mom's for a cookout and it was so yummy! Here he is with his babes: We went to the fountains at World's Fair Park and the kiddos had a blast! Here is Edan and Brent in the water!
At the end of June, we started our annual "pool day" at moms with lots of friends and family!
I have basically put Emma's hair in a braid all summer to prevent her hair from breaking from all the swimming she is doing! She absolutely loves it though when she goes to bed with a wet braid and wakes up with curly locks in the morning!
July 4th was busy! Our LifeGroup handed out 1300 bottles of water for the July 4th parade. It was a beautiful day, not near as hot as it had been in years past! After the parade, we went to see and hug Parker for his birthday and then headed to the Grooms to say hi and Happy 4th! Our final destination was a cookout at mom's for her annual July 4th spectacular! Eli, Emma, and Edan looked cute in their Americana outfits!
One of my favorite pictures so far this summer is one that Brent took at the baby boy lovin' on me! These moments are few and far between so I am glad Brent photographed it! Summer IS sweet!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You have such a beautiful, sweet family! I love you all!